
37 Months to 5 Years

The preschool/pre k program is created to provide stimulating learning activities that are hands-on and inquiry based. Children work, learn and play in various settings such as large group, small group and individual. The instructional environment allows the children to develop decision making skills, work collaboratively and problem solve with peers. In the preschool area, reading strategies and basic mathematic skills are part of the daily activities. Children maintain a portfolio of their work to track their growth throughout the year.

If you have been looking for "pre kindergarten near me" you have found the right place!

Alphabet Tree’s Pre K Education Program is a regular school day for the students.  The schedule mocks that of a regular kindergarten or an early elementary classroom.  We teach all core subjects throughout the day. The goals of our pre k program are to prepare the children academically, socially and emotionally for elementary school. We provide a foundation and give them the tools to make them successful learners. We focus on building critical thinking skills using various researched based strategies along with Bloom’s taxonomy. This gives us the opportunity to assess each learner along with differentiating, adapting and building on instruction. Our curriculum is thematic. We create lessons and activities based on different themes each week following state standards.

Along with an educational component, we foster the personalities of every student that enrolls in our pre k center. We encourage them to be confident with who they are. In addition, we enforce the importance of being polite, following rules and basic virtues. We believe these are the things we do that others do not. We teach the children in our pre k education program to think and question. We build a family where we accept each other, build friendships, problem solve and empathize. When our children leave prekindergarten, they are testing beyond a mid kindergarten level in all subjects. Through reading instruction, they know alphabet letters and sounds, are able to blend and decode words, know sight words and answer basic comprehension questions. Through our math program, they identify numbers beyond 100, count by 10’s, count by 5’s, count by 2’s, identify shapes, identify odd and even numbers, identify patterns, identify money and time. However, this goes beyond identification, they are able to explain and discuss the learning concepts. This is where critical thinking is applied and Bloom’s taxonomy.   

What to expect in the toddler program:  Following multiple step instructions, speaking in complete sentences, counting, identifying shapes, cutting, coloring inside the lines, alphabet sounds.

What you need: 

Sleeping bag and a complete change of clothes.

Trained, Caring Staff Members

We know that an environment where children feel free to express themselves, play, and learn is key. That is why we only hire quality teachers who are licensed and accredited, as well as compassionate and caring.

Our teachers engage each child to understand that child's personality and specific teaching needs. With this knowledge, our teachers can help each child they teach to have fun, learn a lot, and interact with their fellow students.


Our biggest goal is to help your child achieve anything they put their mind to. With our array of learning and development activities and a team of supportive teachers, we hope that all children we have the privilege of teaching will feel that they can reach their fullest potential.

For example, we prioritize communication and playtime to allow children to develop their social skills and teamwork with fellow students. However, we also help to stimulate their mental development by teaching them about the world around them, as well as concepts in STEM, art, and music.

All of these together can encourage a child's natural emotional and physical development as they strive to become the individuals they are meant to be.


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